A couple of weeks ago I was called by the local newspaper who were updating their directory, the man I spoke to was very chatty and after checking his information asked "Just what do you actually make?" I simply told him I was a silversmith. After I hung up the phone I suddenly thought, am I really? That is not to say I doubt what I do or that I think I am a master at my craft but I wondered what the definition of silversmith was, against say, that of a goldsmith. After much research I found that the difference was probably more of semantics and possibly about materials and that both did indeed craft jewellery, but a lot of the entries also talked about the forging of boxes and vessels and such like.
... And so this lead to my purchase of new tools. A little idea I have had germinating for a while now, linked to my birthstone jewellery and maybe even wedding and christening gifts, the idea of making spoons. I have seen silver spoons made into jewellery but what of actually making silver spoons, as keepsakes, as jewellery themselves? My purchase was a set of spoon stakes, special shiny steel stakes that you fix to a clamp and hammer the metal over to shape. Sadly I haven't been home enough to play yet, but I will and my order of special silver for my first spoons will be arriving next week, and then I hope the neighbours will forgive my joyful hammering, and I promise to share with you the results.
This post was part of the Aspiring Metalsmiths' Blogroll. I hope you have enjoyed it and if you have, please read about what some of my colleagues have been up to this month.
- Esmeralda http://jewelry-by-silverblueberry.blogspot.com/
- Happy Tortoise Designs http://www.happytortoisedesigns.blogspot.com/
- Crow Steals Fire http://crowstealsfire.blogspot.com/
- Contemporary Jewelry by Beatriz Fortes http://cjbf.blogspot.com/
- steph http://stephstargell.com
- Jessica @ Abella Blue http://www.abellablue.com/blog
- Pennee- All Wired Up Jewelry Designs http://www.allwiredupjewelrydesigns.blogspot.com/
- Sylvia Anderson http://www.sylviaanderson.blogspot.com/
- Stacy http://www.formandfunktionaccessories.blogspot.com/
- Mary Anne Karren http://silverpearlmetalworks.wordpress.com/
- Amy Nicole Artisan Jewelry Http://Rubymtnbeads.blogspot.com
- Resurrection Silver http://www.resurrectionsilver.blogspot.com
- Kwant Essentials http://kwantessentials.blogspot.com/2011/07/show-and-tell-from-start-to-finish.html
- Kit and Caboodle Shop http://thisartistsjourney.blogspot.com
- Julie http://jamauerer.blogspot.com
- Lilian http://www.girllovesglitter.blogspot.com/
- Autumn Bradley Jewelry Design http://www.autumnbradley.blogspot.com